Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On A Mission

I am constantly on a mission to find "normal" food at the grocery store, that a typical child would eat. Normal food that is Gluten FREE. Well my new discovery this week came from Costco. I just about jumped and danced in the isle. They have "El MOnterey" Taquitos, "Don Miguel" Mini Tacos, and "Delimex" Chicken Taquitos. I hit the jackpot. Not just one discovery but THREE!!!! Great prices too!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Eating Out!

If you know me, then you know that I don't mind a little work to make my life easier in the long run. Having a child with celiac can be very difficult. Eating out can be difficult! I thought of all the fast food and other restaurants in our town and went to their website to see what he could eat. I found that many places offer chooses and others don't. I now keep a file in my car of all the restaurants and their allergen menu. Did you know that McDonald's fries are coated with flour (gluten), and Burger Kings are ok to eat?

Ok to eat at McDonald's

Beef patty's
Yogurt (no granola)
Ice cream and shakes
Oh some of the salad's are ok (But he's a kid and salads are not his ideal food.)
(Stay away from the grilled chicken breast as it has Gluten on it.)

Ok to eat at Burger King
BBQ sauce
Beef patty
Tender grilled chicken breast filet

*note that the taco's and the fries are fried in oil that has also fried foods containing gluten. It has not bothered my child.

Del Taco and Taco Bell- Nachos only. The meat has been seasoned with gluten

Chili's and Applebees has a great gluten free menu, however you have to print in off from online and take it into the restaurant. They do not have copies available.

Uno's, BJ's and Johnny Carinos have a great gluten free menu. You can get pizza from Uno's and Bj's Love it!

If your ever in an area where PF Changs, Pei Wei's or a Woodstock Pizza (Davis, Ca. Santa Cruz, Ca). They all have amazing gluten free food!

I called a local chinese food restaurant and asked them if they have a gluten free menu. They said no. I explained the amount of people with gluten allergies and told them, if they started making gluten free food, they would get a bigger cliental. I provided them with information on gluten free soy sauce and where it could be purchases. They said they will get the soy sauce and start cooking gluten free items.  The point is it doesn't hurt to educate or ask!

Doing a little homework will save you time and energy in the long run.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

God is Good!

My story- I married my husband 9 years ago. Ever since life has been busy. After having our second child, my husband and I decided that it would be best for me to stay home and raise our family so I quit my job of 12 years. We have been blessed with 4 handsome young boys; Jacob 8, Logan 6, Tristan 4 and Luke 2. They have filled my life with such a huge amount of laughter and love.

I have been a stay at home mom for the past 6 years. Not only do the kids keep me busy, but I have been overwhelmed with the friendships God has given me through MOPS at our church. I have other moms to share life with, that are in the same stages of life that I am in. Overall I have been blessed by them and their prayers! 

His story- About a year after I had my son Tristan, I noticed that he was a very temperamental child. He would easily upset. I would have described him as not being a very affectionate child. Not only was he temperamental but he was also the kid that would be happy sitting all day watching t.v. if you would let him.

If asked I would have described Tristan as a healthy child. He had a few medical issues, such as asthma and bad eczema on the inside of his arms and legs, but nothing major. I took him to his doctor several times in regards to the eczema. I was just prescribed a cream. The cream would temporally relieve some of the eczema, but noting would take it away completely. At about 3 1/2 years old he started to complain that his stomach hurt. At first I dismissed it. When he started to complain daily, we became concerned. I took Tristan to the doctor several times and his doctor felt there wasn't anything wrong with him. This went on for about 6 months. Then in February 2011. Tristan was doubled over in pain. He was complaining that his stomach was hurting. He said, "Mom make God take this away. Pray mommy!" He also said, "I'm going to miss you mommy." I asked him why would he miss me, and he said, "Because I'm dying". My heart broke that day! We took him to the hospital twice within two days. The first day the ER doctor took x-rays and told us Tristan was constipated and sent us home. I completely disagreed with the doctor, as I knew Tristan had a bowel movement every day, if not several times a day. He had loose stools. Tristan's pain continued and we ended up back at the ER the next day. I explained to the new ER doctor; Tristan's pain, how long he has been complaining his stomach has hurt, his asthma, eczema, and bowel movements. The doctor looked at the x-rays from the previous day and said there was not a compaction issue. He felt that it was celiac disease. This made since when he explained further! We were advised to place Tristan on a gluten free diet. Immediately we changed what Tristan ate and made sure he was gluten free. Within a week he stopped complaining that his stomach hurt, his eczema cleared up, and his behavior completely changed. His energy level and appetite took off! He is now the most loving, fun child. it was a huge turn around so much so that his teacher noticed his becoming more outgoing and more involved in the classroom. 

As directed by his doctor we went to an allergist about three weeks after going gluten free. The allergist looked at his records, gave him the skin allergy test and told us Tristan did not have any allergies. I told the doctor that when going gluten free Tristan's eczema cleared up and his stomach stopped hurting. I was told, my "Story" didn't add up and that there was noting wrong with my child. I was told I have put him through enough and needed to accept there was nothing wrong. I was also advised to put Tristan back on a gluten diet. 

I felt un easy about what I was told, knowing the results from going gluten free. We took Tristan to Sacramento to see a pediatric gastroenterologist a week later. She took a look at Tristan, asked him and I a few questions, along with reading over his medical records. She said, "Don't give this child gluten he has the classic symptoms of celiac disease." She reassured me that we were on the right track. 

I look at Tristan and have mixed feelings of joy and sadness. Sadness that he must have been in pain at a very young age, without a way to communicating it.  The joy that nothing is seriously wrong with him, that a diet can't change. I thank God that he has brought the answers to the mystery of the pain and eczema. Most of all, I thank God that he has given me an amazingly loving child. Thank You God!

Our journey has just begun. I will share with you what I have found with going GLUTEN FREE!